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Doctors Formula, Party-Prep, the Do’s and Don’ts! Skincare

Party-Prep, the Do’s and Don’ts!

Sometimes the thought of a big event can stress us out -- what to wear, where to go, your thought process, the internal battle of “I am going” and then...

Party-Prep, the Do’s and Don’ts!

Sometimes the thought of a big event can stress us out -- what to wear, where to go, your thought process, the internal battle of “I am going” and then...

Perfect Skin Treatings, Doctors Formula, Skincare

Perfect Skin Treating’s

Brrr, it is that time of year when you suddenly notice the change in the weather, and you find yourself ramping the heating up and reaching over for something warm...

Perfect Skin Treating’s

Brrr, it is that time of year when you suddenly notice the change in the weather, and you find yourself ramping the heating up and reaching over for something warm...

How old is your SKIN, Doctors Formula, skincare

How old is your SKIN?

As old as I am! I hear you say, but is it? Do you look your age? Older? Younger? When does it start? You know that feeling when you look...

How old is your SKIN?

As old as I am! I hear you say, but is it? Do you look your age? Older? Younger? When does it start? You know that feeling when you look...

The Epicentre of Skin Health || Doctors Formula || Skincare || Beauty

The Epicentre of Skin Health

SKIN -- it’s our largest living organ, but do we really pay it the respect that it deserves? The likely answer is no. We abuse it day in and day...

The Epicentre of Skin Health

SKIN -- it’s our largest living organ, but do we really pay it the respect that it deserves? The likely answer is no. We abuse it day in and day...

Doctors Formula | Skincare | Beauty | The Seasonal Skincare Switch

The Seasonal Skincare Switch

There is no denying how great we start to feel once the days are filled with daylight and the warmth of a summer’s day seep into our bones. Thoughts of...

The Seasonal Skincare Switch

There is no denying how great we start to feel once the days are filled with daylight and the warmth of a summer’s day seep into our bones. Thoughts of...

Beach-body beautiful or ready to body bluff?

Beach-body beautiful or ready to body bluff?

Did you step into spring and get the feeling it’s Groundhog Day? After the holiday season, you said to yourself “Here comes January and the first resolution is that I...

Beach-body beautiful or ready to body bluff?

Did you step into spring and get the feeling it’s Groundhog Day? After the holiday season, you said to yourself “Here comes January and the first resolution is that I...